Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today’s Entrance Music


One of my old prized possessions is a Nikita Koloff T-shirt, circa 1987, purchased at the Great American Bash when it toured Cleveland Stadium after an Indians game that summer. The Tribe lost, of course, but we the fans were all winners in getting to see a "Who's Who" of the NWA back in the day (although the prepubescent squealing of "RICKY! ROBERT!" was a bit much for these ears). Nikita Koloff to me was the badass at that time that it was OK to root for because his character was now pro-American. But it is undeniable that the tendency is for promoters to portray their babyfaces as more human and vulnerable. A good friend of mine at the time only rooted for bad guys for that very reason and he was disgusted with Nikita once he befriended Dusty Rhodes and Magnum T.A. To him, Nikita now reminded him of the wimpy song by the same name that was on the airwaves at the time.

So in honor of the kinder, gentler, Perestroika good guy Nikita Koloff, we dedicate this very fey video and wish for the ring entrance that never was: Elton John serenading the Russian Nightmare on the way to the ring...

Contributor: Rick Morris of the FDH Lounge

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