Sunday, August 16, 2009

Today’s Entrance Music

The Fool on the Hill

Day after day, alone on a hill, the man who stabbed his old party in the back grows more pathetic still.

Arlen Specter made it official earlier this year when he came out of the closet as the entity he always was, a Democrat. But, surprise of all surprises, those who have always overtly called themselves Democrats and who can smell phony rat bastards a mile away aren't getting whipped into line to support him by the governor of Pennsylvania and the president. The dictates of smoke-filled rooms aside, there will actually be a hotly-contested primary where this issue can be settled democratically. Heaven forfend!

So now, the old Dr. Evil-looking bag of bones is out pandering to bloggers at radical conventions, gravy-training TV news time by provoking protesters at health care town halls and generally perpetuating a career that has been a skidmark on the undershorts of American politics. Arlen Specter, here's to you, the original "Fool on The Hill!"

Contributor: Rick Morris of the FDH Lounge

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